Audio-Only Mini Remote Readings,
 Attunements for Spiritual Development, and Frequency Reset Sessions

(SCROLL to See ALL of Pam and Alan's Services)




These powerful sessions help you change your frequency and change your life. After Pam's spiritually transformative experience in 1987, she gained the ability to channel her spirit team to help people heal.

At the time, they showed her that she was given admin access to upgrade people's frequency, but until recently, Pam was uncomfortable working at such a deep level.

But seeing the need for her clients and students to radically change their belief systems so they could make contact through the veil, she introduced what she calls, Frequency Resets to her Academy students in group coaching calls. Now, these same reset sessions are available to the public.

During your 25-minute live Zoom meeting, Pam scans your energy to identify your blocks and dismantles or neutralizes the pattern to reset your frequency.  

One of the first times Pam experienced her ability to change someone's frequency and energy patterns was when she instantly healed someone of a brain concussion by commanding the healing and watching it unfold.

(Click the Link Below to Book)


Higher guidance, spiritual healing, or energy work conducted remotely (not live and in person) and delivered to your inbox.

Mini readings help you raise your vibration so you can connect with your loved ones through the veil and live your best life. Your reading or attunement is conducted remotely without you being present and the audio recording is then sent to you. 


Ask ONE specific question or area of concern, providing as much information as possible (including the names of individuals you are asking about, the context of your question, and anything else Pam should know). Or request an energy scan to balance and heal your mind, body, and spirit.

The reading is an audio recording lasting between 15-20 minutes, sometimes longer. Pam channels until the energy or the information stops.

The recording will be emailed to you within 7-10 days after your selected appointment time, not the date you made payment. Please check your SPAM and promotions folders if you cannot see the email or reach out to [email protected] if you still can't find it.


Again, you will not speak to Pam in real-time, and there are no follow-up questions.

She will take your question or request and record the answer then email the recording to you.

You may pay for another email reading if you have further questions.

(Click the Link Below to Book)


Pam and Alan customize Soul Attunements calibrated to your energy field. Attunements are a spiritual transmission of frequencies from the higher realms that call in assistance from your guides and angels.  See the list of attunements and their descriptions. 

[***Disclaimer: Readings and attunements not to be relied upon for medical advice, as Pam is not a doctor. Please consult a licensed professional for your mental, emotional, and physical healthcare needs.]

(Click the Link Below to See the List of Available Attunements)


Bridge to Heaven Sessions and Intuitive Readings


 Did you know that YOU are the best medium when it comes to communicating with those you love in the spirit world because of the bonds of love that connect you?  

Do you yearn to make contact with your loved one without going through a medium but don't know where to start? 

Deep meditation is a proven way to connect with the spirit world. 

What we experience in our minds is real!  The best way to prove this is for you to have direct experience of your loved ones and guides.

So in the world can YOU do that?

During your Bridge to Heaven session Pam and Alan lay a solid foundation for you by teaching you a proven process to make direct contact on your own. 

While they cannot guarantee you will make contact, their success rate stands at an astonishing 98% with only two out of every 100 people they have worked with failing to make a meaningful connection.

The Bridge to Heaven Session  

During Your Session, You Will:

  • Learn a simple but powerful affirmation that will help you achieve a deep state of relaxation necessary for spirit contact. 
  • Experience expanding your non-physical energy body to perceive the other side as the spirit world engages you. 
  • Learn and practice Pam and Alan's proprietary guided meditation exercise with Alan helping your loved one. 
  • With continued practice, you'll be able to refine your connection to your loved one or guide in the spirit world.
  • After the session, Alan will continue to help both you and your loved one to refine your connection.

NEW! Discounted price for Appointments PAID for during the Month of August as Pam and Alan celebrate their birthday month. Your session can be for anytime within the next few months. 

Take almost $100 off and pay just $157 (reg. price $250) for a two-hour Bridge to Heaven Session, which includes an MP3 recording for you to download and keep. (This offer is the lowest we've ever charged and is unlikely to be repeated, so act NOW!

Be sure to take this session in a quiet location so you won’t be disturbed on a computer with a strong Internet connection. Pam must be able to see your face during the session.  

All Sales are Final.

There are no refunds if you miss the appointment, although you can reschedule in advance (use the link in your email confirmation).  

Although it is not required, it is highly recommended that you read Pam and Alan's book, to learn what is possible in an interdimensional relationship:
Supernatural Love, A True Story of Life and Love After Death 

Looking to Book a Coaching Session--Keep Scrolling




Love After Death Coaching

A 60 Minute Session 

Who are these sessions for? 

  • Those who already KNOW their loved one has survived death and want to. learn to connect with them. Much more than a conventional mediumship reading that conveys information, your session helps lay a foundation for you to connect directly, and Alan will continue to help you and your loved one after the reading, 
  • Those who seek direction and guidance in any area of their life: relationships, work, career, spiritual development, 
  • Those in need of healing for their body, mind, and spirit. (Session can include a Frequency Reset.)

This is a 60-minute session focused on helping you connect to your loved one on the other side.

Pam coaches you, and Alan works with your loved one to teach them how to project through the veil—because, yes, they need to learn as much as you do!

Your session includes Alan's assessment of your loved one's willingness and readiness to contact you. He will also offer insight into their spiritual abilities and/or any progress made so far.

Pam and Alan specialize in teaching and supporting people to connect and communicate with their loved ones in spirit as well as their spirit helpers.

Note: This is NOT a mediumship reading.

Instead, the focus is on teaching you and your loved one how to establish and refine your interdimensional relationship, including clearing any blocks that may be in your way.

You will end your session with a clear plan with guidance and insight as to the next steps to take to develop and continue your relationship and develop your spiritual gifts to enhance contact.

Alternatively, this can be a coaching session to help you in any area of your life. 

All sessions include an mp3 recording for you to keep.


Testimonial From an Audio-Only Readings

I just received the energy scan recordings for both my husband and myself from Pam. When describing my husband, Pam was completely accurate, affirming that he is here to support me, which was reassuring to hear. Despite my concerns about pushing healing on him, Pam assured me that it's aligned with his soul's desires, although ultimately, it's up to him to accept it.  Btw, hubby is sleeping like a baby, usually he is busy doing stuff and doesn’t fall asleep until 2 or 3 in the morning,

As for my energy scan, my desire to spiritually open up, was evident to Pam and Alan. She provided specific guidance on affirmations to say, meditation duration, and step-by-step instructions, which is exactly what I need given my tendency to overthink things. 

 Based on my experience, I highly recommend scheduling an energy scan or booking a session with Pam. Her insights and guidance are invaluable.

— Marian T.

Testimonials From The Bridge to Heaven Sessions

The Bridge to Heaven is the most wonderful gift! During our session, it was truly amazing to go through the meditation with Pam and so vividly meet my beautiful husband where I could feel, know and see him so clearly. I felt the most intense love from him that it moved me to tears of joy. Our love and connection has only grown stronger every day since. And I’m so happy that our relationship has moved forward into a much deeper and stronger new place. Love never dies! Our loved ones want to connect with us and the Bridge to Heaven heals and helps us do exactly that. Forever grateful to Pam and Alan!

--- Susan A.

After a 3-day ‘meltdown’ with partnership issues- I made a Bridge to Heaven session appointment for 7 July to improve communication with my husband.   Surprise! For the first time since early 2021, I had 2 visits from George in one week- one on 7 July- the other on 13 July. In the latter visit- after lots of electricity and dragging me out of bed by the feet at 3 am; he spoke with me.  Saw him very clearly and heard- 'please persevere; the best is yet to be'.  Now feel a reset. Thank you, Pam and Alan!

--- M. Wakefield