Powerful Healing on Demand for Your Heart and Your Soul

Join now and receive immediate access to Pam and Alan's powerful healing webinars.  The more you watch the webinars,  the deeper you'll go in your healing and connect with your Soul. 

The videos are meant to be replayed as often as needed until you experience the positive change you seek.

Receive on-demand healing to release what is preventing you from manifesting what you want right now. Imagine having all the energy clearing and healing you need always there at your fingertips.

It's no wonder members like to call the membership, their personal  "Energy Medicine Cabinet". 

The membership even comes with an app for your phone so you can literally have 'healing in your pocket!' 

Training & Support for the Ascension

Let Pam and Alan expertly guide you to develop your intuition, clear your limiting beliefs, and open your heart so that you can embody your soul. 

A special bonus is that you'll receive assistance from Alan, who, since he is in Heaven, is available to help you 24/7.  No other spiritual teachers or healers can do that!

Experience healing sessions customized for you. Learn how to connect to the spirit world with their expert guidance and training.   

Ongoing support and healing for your spiritual journey to Ascension is a highlight of the membership!  

COMING SOON IN 2021!  Learn to Channel Training, Reiki Certification Course, and Supernatural Love Course: How to Have a Relationship with a Loved One in Heaven. 

Welcome to Your Supernatural Love Family

The Supernatural Love Academy is all about Love!   Think of the academy as a haven for your soul and your heart. A safe place to open to the love that is who you really are, that is the source of your true power!  

When Alan returned from the Other Side, the first thing he had to do was help Pam open her heart so that they could be together.  Unless your heart is fully open, you are not truly alive. 

The sad irony is this: our loved ones in Heaven are more alive than we are! 

Pam and Alan are dedicated to helping you open your heart and COME ALIVE! 


Sign Up TODAY and Take a FREE Test Drive of the Academy for Seven Days!

Sit in our next weekly Live Class. Watch replays of past classes and events. Receive soul attunements to help you heal and develop your spiritual gifts.

Your Journey to Experience Love, Receive Healing, and Spiritual Growth Begins Here

Isn't it time for you to live with more Joy and Love, find emotional balance, and open your heart to become happier, healthier, and more empowered? 

Pam and Alan's Soul Authority + Supernatural Love Academy where they provide powerful spiritual healings, training, and ongoing support to clear whatever is blocking you from manifesting your soul’s full potential.

Sign up today and start healing and transforming your life!  Your first week is on us!  



Membership Options




Make a powerful statement to the Universe! Give yourself the gift of a whole year in the Academy and get two months free! 

Membership will automatically renew each year unless canceled.

Healing on Demand for your Soul

  • Weekly Healing and Life Coaching Sessions 
  • Access to Pam's Soul Authority Academy, a 60 plus Video Library of Healings, Attunements, and Activations to clear your limiting beliefs, issues, and distortions.  
  • Classes in subjects such as Channeling (Spirit Communication), Reiki Certification, and  (COMING in 2021) Supernatural Love Course: How to Have a Relationship with a Loved One in Heaven
  • Live streams and Webinars
  • Private Facebook Group 




Less than $1 a day for powerful spiritual energy healings to clear anything that's blocking you from manifesting your heart's desires. Membership will automatically renew each month.  Cancel anytime.

Healing on Demand for your Soul

  • Weekly Healing and Life Coaching Sessions 
  • Access to Pam's Soul Authority Academy, a 60 plus Video Library of Healings, Attunements, and Activations to clear your limiting beliefs, issues, and distortions.  
  • Classes in subjects such as Channeling (Spirit Communication), Reiki Certification, and  (COMING in 2021) Supernatural Love Course: How to Have a Relationship with a Loved One in Heaven
  • Live streams and Webinars
  • Private Facebook Group 





  • Weekly Healing and Spiritual Coaching Sessions
  • Access to Pam's Soul Authority Academy, a 60 plus Video Library of Healings, Attunements, and Activations to clear your limiting beliefs, issues, and distortions.  
  • Classes in subjects such as Channeling (Spirit Communication) and  (COMING in 2021) Supernatural Love Course: How to Have a Relationship with a Loved One in Heaven
  • Live streams and Webinars
  • Private Facebook Group 



"Through Pamโ€™s guidance and attunements, I have been able to enhance my psychic gifts and clear beliefs that may have been holding me back. I feel that without the membership I would still be a healer in hiding and would not have made such amazing progress. Having the support and deep knowledge of Pamela and the group has increased my confidence and has helped me live more in my power. It is overwhelming to try and figure it out on my own, and I love the community and the support."

Tracy Wright Corvo
Professional Photographer

"Joining Soul Authority accelerated my journey of truth. I am shredding layers of distortions and revealing my authentic, true self. Pamela has a way of clearing distortions, and leading your soul to remember who you truly are. Remembering your true, authentic self. I am now able to see clearer, and am able to observe and just - โ€œbeโ€. The fact that you, yes I mean you... are reading this, most likely means that you were guided here. This is just the beginning, the beginning of your journey."

Rosie F.
Founder of Ascended Truths, LLC

"I was always able to feel spirit from the time I was young but in working with Pam I have developed clairaudience and have also met my Spirit Team, itโ€™s been an incredible journey! Through classes, attunements, and the membership group I have learned how to trust my own intuition, develop my psychic abilities, and basically step into my own power. "

Daynna La Fountaine Jones
Reiki Master

Who Is the Supernatural Love Academy for?

The Academy is for anyone interested in learning how to connect to the Other Side.  Whether you want to make contact with your angels, your guides, or deceased loved ones, it helps to have experienced spiritual guides such as Alan and Pam to lead you gently and safely into the light.  In the Academy, you'll receive the ongoing healing, guidance, and training to help you claim your spiritual gifts by opening your heart and learning to trust your intuition.  


I created Soul Authority Academy as a way to offer powerful spiritual healings and ongoing training and support to clear the true cause of any problem--your emotional distortions--to get to the root of it and remove it.

I help you to release the past which is the only thing that prevents you from manifesting what you want right now. I am so excited to support you on your journey!.

If you're thinking that this might work for others but it won't work for you, I encourage you to join us and let the miracles and transformation speak for themselves.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside! 

Big Love, 


50% Complete

Two Step

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